"It's close to freezing outside," I muttered to myself as I glanced at the Weather Channel app while getting ready to go out this morning. I guess growing up in the Wild and Wonderful state of West Virginia, you might assume that I would be a cold weather, winter type of guy. In reality, winter is something I have never looked forward to (unless you count when I was a kid and it gave opportunities to have snow days off of school).
It seems like all the life and energy of the summer dwindles away as birds fly south, and insects tuck away. The days become shorter, and even the bright sun doesn't seem as bright or as warm. Instead, with every second you stay outside you grow colder and colder.
Yet today, something else crossed my mind. As I stepped outside I quickly noticed a fresh patch of snow on the ground. There really isn't anything like the first snow fall, which leaves the ground a fluffy pure white, free from any dirt or debris. Immediately, my mood shifted from one of coldness and bitterness, to one of awe for what God can do with any situation.
While the winter may not be as warm as the summer, or have the same characteristics, God makes it special and wonderful in its own way. The same way He does with all of us. We may not all have grown up in Christian families, or even have a history that we are proud of. But regardless, God makes all things new, clean and beautiful in His (and our) sight (1 John 1:9). He takes our past situation and makes it work out for His glory (Romans 8:28).
Today, remember where you came from, but do so to remember how God has changed and improved your life. Remember the power that He holds, power to take any situation and make it good. And when you see someone who needs God, think just that ... and then share His love story with them (John 3:16).