An ancient Japanese proverb reads, “One kind word can warm three winter months.”
As we set in our room on New Year’s Eve watching the ball in Times Square drop, a thought came to mind. Out of those thousands and thousands of people gathered in New York City how many WOULD NOT make horrible life decisions that night? It’s sad to say but, more than likely, not many. The world needs Jesus so bad, and if somebody would have taken the time to give those people one kind word about Jesus, would they have been making those decisions that night?
The weather men are saying that we are in for one of the coldest few weeks possibly in history. That’s what the winter season brings. As cold as it may get outside, most people are even colder on the inside. Let’s make it a point this year to give everyone we can a kind word about Jesus, the only One who can truly warm their hearts. It won’t just do it for three winter months, but for all of eternity!