This testimony was shared with us recently from a Good News Club Coordinator at one of our new clubs that began at the very end of the school year last year…

“My daughter had a friend who we had been picking up to bring to church.  She had been asking her parents to come with her, but her dad always gave her an excuse not to come.   Her dad had an ongoing battle with alcohol abuse and did not really want to go to church, but finally agreed.  Sunday morning finally came, and he tried to back out, but his daughter persisted, and he came to church.  Everyone welcomed him, and he seemed to have a good time. 

Sunday evening arrived, and we had our usual congregation for a Sunday evening.  We had just sat down to begin the preaching part of the service when we heard the back door burst open and someone came running down the aisle.  He went straight to the altar near the preacher and declared that he needed Jesus to save his soul!  His family did not want him to come this particular evening as he had been drinking and the smell of alcohol was on him.  He testified that he “had been drinking some, ” but he had to be saved “right now.”  We were all elated to see this, as I had stated earlier, it had been a long time since we had witnessed a salvation. 

During these few weeks of Good News Club, we had had a few new people start coming to our church in addition to the family mentioned above.  Our Pastor and I had a conversation about if this was coincidence, or the Lord blessing us for starting our ministry with CEF.  The Lord did not say go to church and open the doors 2 or 3 times a week.  He said, “go ye unto all the world!”  Now, I realize we are not far from our church, but ten salvations in 6 weeks, I think the Lord allowed us to change the world! So….was it a coincidence that we experienced the blessings mentioned above?  Was it the Lord blessing us?  I choose the later!”


Would you like to see these kinds of things happen in your church? Partnering with CEF leads to things like this all the time, we see and hear about it all the time. He’s blessing this ministry and blessing those who are partnering with us. If you want more information or want to get involved…get in touch with us,…we’d love to hear from you!